

The old pond
A frog jumps in —
The sound of the water.


Nel vecchio stagno
una rana si tuffa -
Rumore d'acqua.

(Matsuo Bashō)

Over the wintry
forest, winds howl in rage
with no leaves to blow.

(Natsume Soseki)

Mist before the peak -
the dream
Goes on

(Jack Kerouac)

Over the mountain bright
the full white moon now smiles . . .
On the flower-thief


O luna del monte,
illumina la via
al ladro dei fiori.

(Kobayashi Issa)

The pond and the river
have become one,
In the spring rain,


Si mescolano
il lago e il fiume
nella pioggia di primavera.

(Yosa Buson)

Spring rain:
I am certain I saw
the spirits of stones.


Nella pioggia primaverile
di certo, è uscito
lo spiritello della pietra.

(Murakami Kijo)

The wind of Mt. Fuji
I've brought on my fan!
a gift from Edo.


Il vento del fuji
nel mio ventaglio
porto in dono a Edo

(Matsuo Bashō)

Trombone jazz,
Tende che si muovono,
Pioggia di primavera.

(Jack Kerouac)

No sky
no earth - but still
snowflakes fall


I am one
Who eats his breakfast,
Gazing at morning glories.

(Matsuo Bashō)

Covered with the flowers,
Instantly I'd like to die
In this dream of ours!


I kill an ant
and realize my three children
have been watching.

(Shuson Kato)

First autumn morning:
the mirror I stare into
shows my father's face.

(Kijo Murakami)

The summer river:
although there is a bridge, my horse
goes through the water.

(Masaoka Shiki)

My Life in Haiku.. by Alberto Savoi

Haiku 22 August 2009



A flash of lightning,

violent message from the sky :

It's going to rain.

(Alberto Savoi)

Improvvisa saetta,

violento messaggio dal cielo :

sta per piovere.

(Alberto Savoi)


Haiku by Kobayashi Issa

Kobayashi Issa (1763-1827),or simply Issa, is one of the best known and appreciated Japanese haiku poets.
Issa wrote poetry that is especially remarkable considering the life of the poet.

Issa Haiku :

O summer snail,
you climb but slowly, slowly
to the top of Fuji


In this mountain village,
shining in my soup bowl,
the bright moon arrives


Haiku 21 August 2009

Between two old birches

empty hammock is swinging -

wind blows suavely.

(Alberto Savoi)

Tra due vecchie betulle

una amaca vuota sta dondolando -

il vento soffia soave.

(Alberto Savoi)


American Haiku by Jack Kerouac

"The American Haiku is not exactly the Japanese Haiku. The Japanese Haiku is strictly disciplined to seventeen syllables but since the language structure is different I don't think American Haikus (short three-line poems intended to be completely packed with Void of Whole) should worry about syllables because American speech is something again...bursting to pop.

Above all, a Haiku must be very simple and free of all poetic trickery and make a little picture and yet be as airy and graceful as a Vivaldi Pastorella."

Jack Kerouac

American Haiku:

No telegram today

only more leaves


(Jack Kerouac)

Early morning yellow flowers,

thinking about

the drunkards of Mexico.

(Jack Kerouac)


boy smashing dandelions

with a stick.

(Jack Kerouac)

After the shower

among the drenched roses

the bird thrashing in the bath.

(Jack Kerouac)

Glow worm

sleeping on this flower -

your light's on.

(Jack Kerouac)


A great Haiku by Murakami Kijo



The moment two bubbles

are united, they both vanish,

A lotus blooms.

- Murakami Kijo (1865-1938) -


Haiku 20 August 2009


Two headlamps blind me,

a car darts near me - black night -
feelings of freedom
(Alberto Savoi)

Due fari mi accecano,

una macchina sfeccia - buia notte -

sensazione di libertà
(Alberto Savoi)


Haiku 19 August 2009


Valley is cut by

the bright water of a stream -

..long water snake..

(Alberto Savoi)

La valle è tagliata

dall'acqua limpida del rio -

..lungo serpente d'acqua..

(Alberto Savoi)


Haiku 17 August 2009





A four-leaf clover

shines in the green undergrowth -

Yeah! a stroke of luck

(Alberto Savoi)

Un quadrifoglio

brilla nel verde sottobosco -

Sii! un colpo di fortuna.

(Alberto Savoi)
