

The old pond
A frog jumps in —
The sound of the water.


Nel vecchio stagno
una rana si tuffa -
Rumore d'acqua.

(Matsuo Bashō)

Over the wintry
forest, winds howl in rage
with no leaves to blow.

(Natsume Soseki)

Mist before the peak -
the dream
Goes on

(Jack Kerouac)

Over the mountain bright
the full white moon now smiles . . .
On the flower-thief


O luna del monte,
illumina la via
al ladro dei fiori.

(Kobayashi Issa)

The pond and the river
have become one,
In the spring rain,


Si mescolano
il lago e il fiume
nella pioggia di primavera.

(Yosa Buson)

Spring rain:
I am certain I saw
the spirits of stones.


Nella pioggia primaverile
di certo, è uscito
lo spiritello della pietra.

(Murakami Kijo)

The wind of Mt. Fuji
I've brought on my fan!
a gift from Edo.


Il vento del fuji
nel mio ventaglio
porto in dono a Edo

(Matsuo Bashō)

Trombone jazz,
Tende che si muovono,
Pioggia di primavera.

(Jack Kerouac)

No sky
no earth - but still
snowflakes fall


I am one
Who eats his breakfast,
Gazing at morning glories.

(Matsuo Bashō)

Covered with the flowers,
Instantly I'd like to die
In this dream of ours!


I kill an ant
and realize my three children
have been watching.

(Shuson Kato)

First autumn morning:
the mirror I stare into
shows my father's face.

(Kijo Murakami)

The summer river:
although there is a bridge, my horse
goes through the water.

(Masaoka Shiki)

My Life in Haiku.. by Alberto Savoi

Haiku 8 August 2009




A huge rocky face
overtops a snowy vale,
chamoises are dancing.
(Alberto Savoi)

Un' enorme parete rocciosa
sovrasta una gola nevosa,
camosci danzano.
(Alberto Savoi)


Haiku 6 August 2009




Turn the page and my

finger touches the rough paper,

it is time to read.

(Alberto Savoi)

Volto pagina e il mio

dito tocca la ruvida carta,

è tempo di leggere.

(Alberto Savoi)


Haiku 5 August 2009

Sunny sleeping town

an old baker is working -

fragrance of fresh bread.

(Alberto Savoi)

In un paese dormiente

un vecchio panettiere è al lavoro -

profumo di pane fresco.

(Alberto Savoi)


Haiku 4 August 2009

Washing the paintbrushes -

suddenly colorful water,

fabulous nuance.

(Alberto Savoi)

Lavo i pennelli -

l'acqua improvvisamente è piena di colori,

una magnifica sfumatura.

(Alberto Savoi)


Matsuo Bashō

A collection of great Haiku of Bashō :


Yosa Buson

Buson, excellent painter and poet, succeeded in evoking clear images in his picturesque haiku filled with light.

His expressions are so refined that he has no equal in technique. He had genius and he could make feel the eternity beyond the landscape by describing only one peaceful scene.

His poems are descriptive, but their scenery is idealized rather than realistic. This means that he wanted to describe the essence of things, not their surfaces.

My favorite Haiku :

I go out alone

to visit a man alone

in this autumn dusk

(Yosa Buson)


Haiku 3 August 2009 afternoon

A lonely rain drop

lost in the middle of the wood -

tear from a far place

(Alberto Savoi)

Una goccia di pioggia

perduta nel bel mezzo della foresta -

una lacrima da un paese lontano.

(Alberto Savoi)


Haiku 3 August 2009 morning

Walking on the sand -

a crab became the beach king,

but a wave swamped it.

(Alberto Savoi)

Cammindo sulla sabbia -

un granchio diventa re della spiaggia,

un'onda lo sommerge.

(Alberto Savoi)


Haiku 2 August 2009 morning

Open the window

a breath of fresh air hit me -

my soul is clean now.

(Alberto Savoi)

Apro la finestra

una folata d'aria fresca mi invade -

ora la mia anima è pulita.

(Alberto Savoi)


Haiku 2 August 2009 night

Push the gas pedal -

music is around us and

the white moon watches us.

(Alberto Savoi)

Premi l'acceleratore -

la musica ci irradia e

la palllida luna ci osserva.

(Alberto Savoi)
